Very little is known about the man behind the various nom-de-plumes of Luke W. Molver, Billy Pineapples and The Greatest Man That Ever Lived. Shrouded in foul-odoured mystery and misery, only a few things are certain… he flew the Gulfire over Leningrad, had his nervous system burned out micron by micron in a Memphis hotel, and once, he tracked a silicon-based lifeform through the neutronium mantle of a collapsed star.

Having inexplicably exceeded his 4-year lifespan, this defective Nexus-6 now works as a game illustrator and independent comic book creator. He has been published in visual media numerous times and is author and artist of the award-winning graphic novels Shaka Rising its sequel, King Shaka.

He continues to self-publish his own personal comic books, including his sci-fi series Nero and his southern gothic horror tale Sunday’s Slave.

Under various monikers (for he has the death sentence on 12 systems), Luke also dabbles in experimental filmmaking, horrorcore rap and synthwave production.

Feel free to drop him a mail here, and if you dig his stuff, he’d always appreciate you buying a piece of art.

He doesn’t usually talk about himself in the third-person.